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Astrologie védique

Mantra Yoga
Élevez votre vie
grâce au son de votre voie
Sunday, March 22nd, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Free Live Online class YOGA NIDRA - Decrease stress and improve your overall health
(Click here to register to the free class)
Organized in collaboration with: Downtown Yoga & Wellness Co-op
HRIT YOGA NIDRA – Balance your 5 Tattvas
A 5-Day free Online Yoga Nidra Class
Monday, March 23rd at 6:00 PM (PST)
HRIT YOGA NIDRA – Balance your 5 Tattvas - Prithvi (Earth tattva)
1st day of the 5-Day free Online Yoga Nidra Class
Tuesday, March 24th at 6:00 PM (PST)
HRIT YOGA NIDRA – Balance your 5 Tattvas - Apas (Water tattva)
2nd day of the 5-Day free Online Yoga Nidra Class
Wednesday, March 25th at 6:00 PM (PST)
HRIT YOGA NIDRA – Balance your 5 Tattvas - Tejas (Fire tattva)
3rd day of the 5-Day free Online Yoga Nidra Class
Thursday, March 26th at 6:00 PM (PST)
HRIT YOGA NIDRA – Balance your 5 Tattvas - Vayu (Air tattva)
4th day of the 5-Day free Online Yoga Nidra Class
Friday, March 27th at 6:00 PM (PST)
HRIT YOGA NIDRA – Balance your 5 Tattvas - Akasha (Spirit tattva)
5th day of the 5-Day free Online Yoga Nidra Class
Click here to register to this 5-Day online class
The workshop below could be rescheduled. More information soon!
Sunday, April 19th, 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Workshop YOGA NIDRA: Rejuvenate Body, Mind and Spirit
Address: Downtown Yoga & Wellness Co-op - Las Vegas (USA)
Workshop "Hrit Yoga" Journey through the 7 chakras
Package of 7 weekly classes, one by chakra.
Bordeaux (France)
Workshop "Hrit Yoga" Journey through the 7 chakras
Adresse: "Yoga with you" 38 Quai de Bacalan, 33000 Bordeaux
Sao Paulo (Brazil)
Las Vegas (USA)
July 30th to August 2nd
Teacher Training "Hrit Yoga"
Toulouse (France)
29 Novembre au 1er Décembre
Méditation et Yoga Nidra (complet)
Bordeaux (France)
Dimanche 8 décembre - 12h30-14h30
Initiation aux Mystères des Chakras
Adresse: "Yoga with you" 38 Quai de Bacalan, 33000 Bordeaux